Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

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after the plant material becomes matted down
by little birdy feet, rotate the birds to fresh pas-
ture. The space will provide your birds with
ample opportunities to exercise, munch on
delicious greens, snatch insects, and breathe
fresh air.
2 Provide your livestock with clean water,
organic apple cider vinegar, and oregano es-
sential oil. At the end of summer, right before
wild bird migration occurs, start putting a
couple of tablespoons of organic apple cider
vinegar and 15 drops of oregano essential oil
per gallon of water into their waterers. This
treatment will stop bad bacteria and viruses
from infecting your flock, and will provide your
birds with an excellent probiotic to give their
immune systems a boost.
3 Give your flock free access to a dry, se-
cure shelter. Make sure your coop is secured
against predators. Predator stress compromis-
es your livestock’s health just as much as rain,
snow, ice, wind, and too much sun. Access to
a dry, secure shelter can save the day for your
birds and for you.
4 Mimic a natural flock environment in
which the mother hen hatches and raises her
young, the gander goose protects and cares
for the flock, and the birds are harvested at a
natural age. Seek out heritage breeds, as they
have better genetics to support this natural
lifestyle and cycle. Mimicking a natural flock
environment will decrease your birds’ stress
level, create continuity, and ensure that great
genetics and skills are passed down to the
next generation.
5 Make sure your birds get plenty of sun-
light. Sunlight kills the bird flu virus and aids
in vitamin D production, which boosts a bird’s
immune system. Sunlight is such a good thing.
6 Last but not least, protect yourself. Even
if you stop the virus in your flock, you could
still be exposed yourself. Wear disposable ni-
trile gloves when working with your birds. Wash
your hands afterward, each and every time.
Wear a specific pair of work boots, and when
you’re done, rinse them off and store them on a
boot bathmat outside your front door in a rinse
of hydrogen peroxide powder, castile soap, and
water. Don’t track the outdoor poultry mess
into your home.
Together, we can stop the spread of this
deadly virus and take better care of our ani-
mals and ourselves.
— Rachel Falco of Falco’s Farm,

POBox 274
PrincetonMN 55371
1. 800. 328. 6647







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