Paddle Steamers I World of Ships I 45
This could well be a motto for preserved steamer Kaiser Wilhelm, which
has undertaken an increasing number of long distance trips from a
base at Lauenburg on the lower Elbe. The veteran’s cruising area has
been extended, with a trip upriver to Dresden in September 2015 and
then a visit to the Elbe-Sietenkanal, making use of the 38m ship lift at
Scharnebeck, during 2016. Then Kaiser Wilhelm was in fine fettle for an
epic voyage from Lauenburg to Berlin between 21 and 29 July 2017,
overnighting in Domitz and Havelberg before a third day trip along the
River Havel to Brandenburg and Potsdam, Berlin, where a three-day stay
saw morning and afternoon Wannsee public cruises. Kaiser Wilhelm finally
retraced the outward route with a night in Brandenburg (below)to take
water. All three voyages are captured here by the camera of Myra Allen.
During the 2015 visit to Dresden, Kaiser Wilhelm berthed at Loschwitz
in the shadow of the iconic ‘Blue Wonder’ bridge.
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