World of Ships – May 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1


Paddle Steamers I World of Ships I 89


The nine superb paddle steamers from the
Dresden fleet traditionally go on parade in May
or June each year and in both of these views
Leipzig (1929) is leading the way, other vessels
joining enthusiastic whistle blasts (right) while
six steamers are seen above with the white
funnelled Dresden fourth in line.

Lake Geneva boasts a paddle driven fleet of
seven vessels – steamers Montreux, La Suisse,
Savoie, Simplon and Rhone, plus diesel-electric
powered trio Vevey, Italie and Helvetie – and in
recent years a steamer parade has become a
traditional curtain-raiser for the lengthy summer
sailing programme.
Then the stylish lines of the clipper-bowed
veterans are enhanced by flags and floral

decoration, with the flags of the three Cantons
surrounding Lake Geneva proudly flown from
the top of the foremasts and in the view below
each vessel’s passengers released balloons of
a different colours during a spectacular parade
finale. On the left, Montreux, built in 1904 and
restored to steam power with a new engine in
2001, leads Savoie (1914) towards Rolle, where big
crowds were all along the shoreline.


12 Paddlers_Switzerland_NL.indd 89 17/04/2018 12:21

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