Practical Boat Owner - July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

New Gear

The latest new products on the market

Balpha Mast

There are a signifi cant challenges facing
the trailer-sailer getting to and from the
water, not least of which is hoisting and
lowering the mast.
First featured in PBO late in 2017, the
Balpha Mast is a carbon fi bre mast that
pivots within a stainless steel housing. The
mast slides through a pivoting collar
attached to the housing about a metre off
the deck, but it’s the clever mechanics in
the mast-foot slide that make the whole
contraption easily manageable for the
single-handed sailor.
To lower it, the mast foot gently slides to
the forward end of the gutter-shaped

Voice activated electronics are here, now.
Digital Yacht demonstrated its ‘speaking
nav’ set-up at the London Boat Show,
then again at April’s Beaulieu Boatjumble.
It requires an Amazon Alexa, a 4G
Connect and an iKommunicate box plus
the mobile broadband SIM card – a fairly
costly package all told – but it will answer
numerous questions about where
the boat is going, the depth,
windspeed and more,
depending on the
amount of
electronics you
have installed.
At the other end of the

scale is the new Alexa add-on (or ‘skill’ as
they are known) for the popular Boat
Beacon and Boat Watch apps. These two
apps were originally designed to enable
you to interact with online AIS data afl oat

  • not to replace an onboard AIS receiver,
    but to provide real-time AIS-like capability
    wherever mobile internet signals could be
    received. Both apps have
    expanded in scope – Boat Beacon
    especially. PBO has previously
    featured the brilliant FLIR ‘night
    vision’ Boat Beacon adaptation.
    Now Boat Beacon’s designer,
    Steve Bennett, has developed an

Voice-activated position plotting add-on to both of his apps that permits the
voice-activated Amazon Alexa system to
speak the answers to two very specifi c
questions: ‘Ask Boat Beacon my position’
and ‘Ask Boat Beacon my exact position’.
Exact position will relay Lat, Long, heading
and speed, whereas the request for
‘Position’ alone will describe the same data
as: ‘travelling north-east at 6 knots in the
English Channel currently fi ve miles south
of Plymouth.’
Each user’s app has a
unique identifi er, so you
can register multiple Alexa
units anywhere to respond
to queries about ‘my boat’.
Currently, there is no
capability for tracking
multiple boats using Boat
Beacon, but the
BoatWatch skill lets you
ask Alexa for the position
of any boat by name or
MMSI number.

carbon slide, which is then, itself, gently
released from a line direct to the foredeck
to complete the aftward tilt. The now
horizontal mast is supported at the bow
and at the collar, offering a maximum air
draught about 1m above the mast foot.
Once the headsail halyard is eased and
the shrouds released, the entire operation
takes a few minutes. Designer, Stuart
Balfour, claims to have shot 46 bridges in
16 hours on his 7m Dick Koopman
keelboat sailing (and motoring) between
Helevoetsluis and Amsterdam in Holland,
where the maximum clearance is 2.6m.
“Generally, I’ve had a global interest in
our product from the US, where air
draught due to bridges (particularly
Chicago and Florida) is a restriction and
from New Zealand where trailer sailing is
popular and mast handling is
inconvenient,” says Balfour.
“In the Netherlands, I met boat owners
who would rather have a yacht but the
extra 20-mile drive clear of bridges makes
a motor boat the only option.”
Suitable for retrofi tting to most
small keelboats (8.5m mast heigh
maximum), the price for 2018 is
£7,600. A planned larger version
(up to 10m mast height) is due to
start production.
A video of the Balpha Mast in
action is available on the website:

Balpha Mast
slides in a
slide for easier
raising and

Digital Yacht
4G Connect

Amazon Alexa

Boat Beacon app
Free download pdf