Wakeboarding - June 01, 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
sacrifi ces of their crew back
into the public eye.”
Last summer, Allen’s
crew used Petrel to locate
and photograph the USS
Indianapolis, sunk during
the last days of World War II
in the Philippine Sea. The
ship had just completed a
secret mission to deliver
parts for “Little Boy,” the
fi rst nuclear bomb dropped
in wartime. En route to safe
harbor in the Philippines, the
Indianapolis took two tor-
pedo shots from a Japanese
destroyer and went down
in just 12 minutes. While
300 crewmembers were lost
with the ship, a reported 900
went into the water. When
Navy search planes located
them four days later, only
316 had survived. (Quint, the

infamous captain from the
movie Jaws, told a harrow-
ing survivor’s account of bat-
tling weather, dehydration ...
and sharks.)
After covering a search
area over 600 square miles,
Petrel located the India-
napolis 18,000 feet below
the surface. Months later,
Petrel’s 16-member crew
used the same technologies
to locate the Lexington.

While the mission to locate
the Indianapolis lasted sev-
eral days and covered hun-
dreds of square miles, to fi nd
the Lexington, the Petrel
crew needed just one day.
Because she was sunk on

purpose by the Navy, Allen’s
team had an accurate report
of where the aircraft car-
rier went down. Scanning
a specifi c area of the Coral
Sea, Petrel covered around
18 nautical square miles.
“We located the Lexing-
ton on the fi nal line of the
fi rst day’s AUV search pat-
tern,” says Reams.
AUV stands for auto-
nomous underwater ve-
hicle, in this case a yellow

cigar-shaped Hydroid Re-
mus 6000. The 12-foot-
6-inch-long vehicle weighs
in at about 1,900 pounds and
can operate in depths over
19,600 feet for up to 22 hours.
While the Remus 6000 has
several state-of-the-art fea-
tures for navigation and com-
munications back to Petrel,
its most important technol-
ogy is its dual-frequency so-
nar. It uses side-scan sonar,
PHOTOS: COURTESY PAUL ALLEN which maps and records

The discovery of ships

such as the Lexington

bring their history and

the sacri ces of their crew

back into the public eye.”

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