june/july 2018
rossing the Gulf
Stream is a rite of pas-
sage for many East
Coast offshore sailors. I’ll nev-
er forget my fi rst time. The
Stream seems to generate its
own weather, and the precip-
itous clouds on the horizon
ahead were the initial clue that
we were approaching. Then
there was the sudden spike in
the temperature of the ocean,
up into the high 70s, as con-
fi rmed by the boat’s seawater
thermometer. The water it-
self shifted to a darker shade
of blue, fl ecked with yellow
patches of sargassum. And with
a slight northerly breeze (thank
God it was slight) leaning into
the northward fl owing current,
the waves stood up into a pro-
gression of steep but reason-
able, negotiable hills, the boat
rising and falling with their
fl ow. It was all very memorable.
The Gulf Stream, the so-called
“river in the sea” that trucks
along in places at a good 4 to 5
knots, is truly a force of nature.
And, remarkably, it is also
slowing down.
Such was the conclusion of a
pair of recent scientifi c studies
focused on the Atlantic merid-
ional overturning circulation
(AMOC) — an ocean circula-
tion system that includes the
Gulf Stream — recently pub-
lished in the journal Nature.
Simply put, a section of the
warm, salty surface waters of
the Stream eventually peel off
to form the North Atlantic
Current which ascends into the
high, chilled Nordic latitudes,
heating the atmosphere on
the way. There, the water cools
and the weight of its salinity
causes it to plunge into the
depths, where it begins a return
journey down the coasts of
North and South America. The
entire cycle has been likened
to an “ocean conveyer belt”
that plays a key role in Earth’s
climate by exchanging warm
water from the equator with
cold water from the Arctic.
And the conveyer belt, so
crucial to distributing heat
across the planet, is not as
quick as it used to be.
According to the Nature
report, the two studies that
issued this fi nding used vast-
ly different methodologies:
“classic examples of ‘top-down’
and ‘bottom-up’ approaches.”
The former based its report on
direct measurements of sea-
surface temperatures; the latter
relied on measuring deep-sea
sediment cores that refl ect the
speeds of the bottom waters on
their return fl ow of the AMOC
(stronger currents move thicker
grains of sand). But both de-
termined that the weakened
AMOC has declined in strength
by 15 percent, which the Wash-
ington Post reported as “a de-
crease of 3 million cubic meters
of water per second, the equiva-
lent of 15 Amazon Rivers.”
In science, as in life, one
thing leads to another. In this
case, perhaps ironically, the
rapidly melting glaciers of the
Greenland ice cap and the van-
ishing sea ice above the Arctic
Circle are playing a signifi cant
role in this equation. Yes, those
waters are cold, but they’re
also fresh, and fl oat atop the
surface; their mass infusion
into the briny sea disrupts the
formation of the dense water
that’s a key component in the
spinning AMOC.
So, what does that mean to
sailors and, you know, human
beings? Well, should the brakes
on the Atlantic circulation
continue to be pumped, among
other things, it could result in
drastic changes in European
weather, dramatic fl uctuations
in hurricane frequency and an
abrupt rise in sea levels on the
East Coast, with a backed-up
Gulf Stream having no pl ace
else to go. There are lots of oth-
er scenarios, and none of them
are great.
One of the central questions
of our time, of course, is the
degree to which man-made
sources have contributed to cli-
mate change, and in this case,
what role they played in the
AMOC slowdown. Interest-
ingly, the authors of one study
attribute the cause mainly to
human-induced factors (i.e.,
those that have played a part in
the relatively new phenomenon
of swiftly melting ice), while
those of the other suggest it
probably began for natural rea-
sons around 150 years ago but
has since been aided and abet-
ted by our own collective im-
pact on the changing climate.
As with contemporary poli-
tics, there is no clear consensus.
So, for now at least, we’ll
leave it to the noted oceanog-
rapher/poet Bob Dylan, who
once sang, “Come gather round
people; Wherever you roam;
And admit that the waters;
Around you have grown; And
accept it that soon; You’ll be
drenched to the bone.” For, yes,
the times they are a-changin’.
Herb McCormick is CW’s
executive editor.
The Gulf Stream, the so-called “river in the sea” that trucks along in places at a good 4 to 5
knots, is truly a force of nature. And, remarkably, it is also slowing down.
Composite imagery from several high-seas weather models
shows the path of the Gulf Stream up the U.S. East Coast.
Off Wa tch