Professional BoatBuilder - December-January 2018

(ff) #1

Keep Your

Horn Out of


But Not Out

of Sound





Drop-In Horns From

431210-1 431250-1

  • Improved drop-in horn
    grill design

  • Exact replacements for
    almost every drop-in
    horn from 1990 through

  • 431250-1 is the loudest
    electric drop-in horn
    available @ 111 dB

between 5% and 7% moisture content
by this time. All the paint was stripped
o , and the inside of the planking was
fully saturated with epoxy. Holes were
 lled with thickened epoxy and wood
replaced where needed.
On Timid Tuna Bandy built a new
plywood transom and sheathed it in
 berglass before the rest of the hull. “I
wanted to glass the transom  rst so the
bottom layers go over it and avoid
hydraulic pressure when you’re run-
ning,” he said.
 ose bottom layers are all 17-oz
fabric: one 0/90 and two 45/45.  e
topside sheathing is two 17-oz plies.
Bandy said he installed generous 6"
(152mm) overlaps at the chines, keel,
and tunnel edges. He’s seen enough
hydraulic delamination on boats he
has repaired to not want to take
chances with laminate edges.
Fairing only with a grinder and so
pad—his preferred method—Bandy

With both boats at a similar point,
Bandy and Hall turned to repairing
and fairing the topsides and sheathing
the hulls. Bandy said the old mahog-
any planking had been dried to

layers of  r plywood before he sold Hall
the boat, so the work on her to this point
was con ned to cutting out for the tun-
nel, framing it, and cold-molding it to
the same schedule as on Timid Tuna.

Facing page—Bandy runs beads of WEST System Six10 thickened epoxy on the
bottom frames in preparation for the  rst layer of the cold-molded okoume plywood
that would form the boat’s running surface. Above—Multiple layers of 6mm and 9mm
plywood were cold-molded into the tight radius of the tunnel Bandy designed. The
veneers were temporarily screwed to the frames while the epoxy cured.

RybovichRefit170-AdFINAL.indd 25 11/1/17 2:31 PM

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