Professional BoatBuilder - December-January 2018

(ff) #1

REFIT: Rybovich Rebuilds

new deck to. at hull-to-deck joint
was then reinforced from the top with
berglass that lapped onto the hull
For the house structure Bandy digi-
tized the original they had from Timid
Tuna, which turned out to be 6"
(152mm) longer than Butterball’s had
been. Working on a jig cut by a CNC
router, the house structure re-creates
the Rybovich curves and proportions
almost perfectly, though Bandy added
7 " (178mm) to Timid Tuna’s cabin
height to accommodate his own tall
frame, and raked the sides in slightly.
Pulled from the jig, the inside of the
house structure was glassed on the
shop oor, and reinforcements and
stringers were added before installing
the entire unit on deck.
e crowning detail of the rebuild
in modern materials is the flying
bridge. Made as a slavish copy of the
original in form, Bandy replicated

(1.1m) apart and correspond with
overlaps of laminates on the top of the
deck, which Bandy says makes a nice
structural element. Installed in the
boat, the sole is glued to r cleats that
run fore-and-a, spanning between
frames, to which they are mechani-
cally fastened. is interface between
the wood structure and the composite
allows the latter to be fully supported.
On the foredeck Bandy used the
original structure as a mold for the
new. Because he wanted more camber,
he laid a couple of stringers on the old
deck and let the Corecell drape over it,
naturally forming the crown that
Bandy was looking for to add some
headroom below. He hand-laid the top
laminates right in place and then
turned the structure onto the shop
oor to glass the underside and install
stringers. Meantime he removed the
old foredeck, leaving a 4" (102mm)
ange of original material to glue the

With the engine installed and the
240-gal (909-l) fuel tank in place,
Bandy set to work on the cockpit sole,
accommodations, and cabin house.
His comfort with modern composites
came to dene this part of the project.
To make the boat lighter, Bandy built
all the secondary structures he could
of Corecell structural styrene acrylo-
nitrile (SAN) foam. Working almost
entirely with 1" (25mm) stock between
laminate layers of 17-oz 45/45 and
0/90 berglass, he installed transverse
frames and bulkheads; built a sealed
cockpit sole with a slight crown; a
curved foredeck; a complex cabin
structure, including some furniture;
and a ying bridge.
e sole was straightforward con-
struction on the shop oor, applying
two layers of glass to each side of the
foam, running foam stringers on the
bottom side, and sealing the edges
with glass tape. ose stringers are 42"

RybovichRefit170-AdFINAL.indd 28 10/31/17 2:25 PM

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