Professional BoatBuilder - December-January 2018

(ff) #1

REFIT: Rybovich Rebuilds

hoping to see Hall’s Butterball, a much
more “stock” restoration, join him on
the Chesapeake.

About the Author: Aaron Porter is the
editor of Professional BoatBuilder.

the season he said, but more than any-
thing, he wanted to test performance
and “get some numbers” on Timid
Tuna, the classic Rybovich he has fear-
lessly brought back to life in a much
altered form. And in the spring, he’s

the streamlined steering pod, but in
Corecell and  berglass, not mahogany.
Similarly he re-created in foam sand-
wich composites the signature Rybo-
vich arched mahogany handrail and
trim piece that de ned the curve of the
 ying bridge side.  at, he conceded,
was going to require a lot of  ddly
laminating to  nish.

As we closed in on the print dead-
line for this issue of Professional Boat-
Builder, Bandy was racing to get Timid
Tuna in the water. He’d abstained from
 shing all summer as he worked on
the Rybovich and a new 24' (7.3m)
carbon  ber center-console model he’d
designed with a very narrow beam and
light weight. (“Cruises at 35 knots”
with a 90-hp/67-kW outboard, he
said.) So the shop has been full of dis-
tractions, and yes, it would be late in

Nearly ready for launching, Timid Tuna retains the look if not the materials of a
1950s Rybovich sport sherman. She’s likely to be faster, stiffer, lighter, and more
fuel-ef cient than her original incarnation.


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