Professional BoatBuilder - December-January 2018

(ff) #1

SYSTEMS: Battery Technology

operating in high ambient tempera-
tures, defects in manufacturing, exter-
nal heat, and physical damage. Several
of these conditions are not uncom-
mon in marine applications. What’s
more, whereas in automotive and
other mass applications, the battery
builder and installer have near com-
plete control over the installation for
its entire life, once a boat is in the
hands of its owner, there is no telling
who will mess with the installation
and wiring over the life of the boat.
To ensure the safety of lithium-ion
batteries in the boating world, a
sophisticated battery management
system (BMS) is required that, at a
minimum, monitors voltage and tem-
perature at the individual battery cell
level, and has mechanisms to shut the
battery down if it is abused or if any
one cell begins to drift outside

when disconnected from charging
sources and loads. Once initiated, this
exothermic reaction can be hard to
stop, resulting in a rapid temperature
rise—the above-mentioned condition
known as thermal runaway. Depend-
ing on the chemistry, the battery may
get hot enough to set itself on  re (as
happened on some Boeing airplanes),
but even if the chemistry cannot get
this hot, there will be a pressure rise
that frequently leads to venting of the
electrolyte. If there is any ignition
source, the electrolyte will catch  re,
which generally cannot be put out.
 e normal result is the loss of the
boat.  ere have already been a num-
ber of such boat losses.
Conditions that can initiate thermal
runaway include overcharging, over-
discharging followed by a recharge,
charging in freezing temperatures,

Lead-Acid to Lithium-Ion
Nothing on the horizon suggests
lead-acid batteries will absorb the
kind of charging currents I would like
to throw at them up to high states of
charge and at e ciency levels that will
limit the internal heat generation in
the battery. For this, the only game in
town is lithium-ion.
Lithium-ion batteries have several
times the energy storage capacity of an
equivalent volume and weight of lead-
acid batteries, can be charged at
extraordinarily high rates of charge to
very high states of charge, can be
almost totally discharged hundreds of
times to thousands of times without
damage, are immune to sulfation, and
as such can be operated permanently
in a partial state of charge. As noted
above, the most e cient lead-acid
batteries (AGM) are only 85% e cient
at converting electrical energy into
chemical energy and vice versa, while
lithium-ion chemistry is more than
95% efficient, resulting in far less
heat generation during high-rate dis-
charges and recharges—an important
consideration in our high charge rate
experiments. This is an amazing set
of positive characteristics.  ere are,
however, some potential negatives.

Preventing Fires
Every lithium-ion battery currently
in the marine marketplace contains a
 ammable electrolyte. And all lith-
ium-ion batteries can be driven into
an exothermic state, in which the bat-
tery generates heat internally even

He also tested an early-generation lithium-ion battery in his garage.

Far left—Highly promising
lithium-ion batteries, shown
here in an early-generation
onboard installation, can with-
stand the increased energy
 ows. Their chemistry is more
than 95% ef cient, generating
much less heat during high-
rate charges. Left—To
research which type of marine
batteries can withstand a high
rate of charge, the author
included diagnosing a TPPL
battery by sawing it apart.

Batteries170-ADFinal.indd 37 10/31/17 12:37 PM
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