Professional BoatBuilder - December-January 2018

(ff) #1

SYSTEMS: Battery Technology

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predict that, in time, problems with the
chemistry will become as rare as they
now are with gasoline and propane.

Drop-in Replacement?
In the meantime, various lithium-
ion battery manufacturers advertise
their products as “drop-in” replace-
ments for lead-acid batteries. It would
be foolish for re t and repair yards to
interpret this too literally. Fundamen-
tally, an energy system built around
lithium-ion batteries needs to be a
fully engineered system in which the
BMS is integrated with, and has a
degree of control over, all the charging
devices on the boat. In the absence of
this, the default safety mechanism for
the BMS is to disconnect the battery
from the boat if the BMS perceives a
condition that threatens the health of
the battery. But if this disconnection
takes place without  rst shutting down
charging devices, a voltage spike

To put this in perspective, we
had similar problems with gas-
oline and propane when they
were  rst introduced to boats.
 ere were numerous  res and
explosions. We learned how to
handle these substances, with
various organizations promul-
gating standards to ensure safe
installations. Notable amongst
these is the American Boat & Yacht
Council (ABYC).  e ABYC is cur-
rently working on a standard for lith-
ium-ion batteries and installations. I

designated parameters. An e ective
BMS is expensive to develop and
implement. Without it, the battery can
threaten the health of the boat.

Because they contain a  am-
mable electrolyte, lithium-ion
batteries should be installed
with a battery management sys-
tem (BMS) that monitors voltage
and temperature, and shuts the
battery down if necessary. Note
the  re extinguisher in this
battery compartment.


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