BlueWater Boats & Sportsfishing - June 01, 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Newslines 23

Ralph G Christiansen Jr

DrMartin Arostegui

records. Serving as an IGFA Trustee
since 2012, Dr Arostegui loves giving
back to the sport by presenting seminars
on the ecology of the Everglades and
writing articles in English- and Spanish-
language fishing journals with a focus
on conservation methods, the use of
circle hooks and fishing techniques for
everything from bream to marlin. Dr
Arostegui resides in Florida and enjoys
spending his time traveling and fishing
with his family.

In 1989, John began creating television
programming that would change the
face of outdoor television. It began with
a series titled Fly Fishing the World,
an award-winning project that was the
first fly-fishing-only television series ever
produced. The show began airing on
ESPN in 1990 and became one of the
most popular outdoor programs for more
than 22 years, exposing the greatest fly-
fishing locations on earth to millions of
viewers worldwide.
John spent his adult life searching the
world for anything that could be caught
on a fly rod. Along the way he was joined
by recognisable names such as Robert
Duval, Kevin Costner, Liam Neeson,
Walter Payton, Chris Evert, John Denver,
Henry Winkler and Michael Keaton, just
to name a few.
After more than 22 years of traveling
the world, Barrett quietly walked away
from television production when he sold
his company. He now resides in Montana
with his family, where he continues to fish.
To learn more about the IGFA Fishing
Hall of Fame and upcoming induction
ceremony, please visit
John Barrett

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