
(coco) #1

(^) Pictures: (Clockwise, from left):
“Martian Ring”, by Mamon Alexander and Tyutyunnik Artem. eVolo Honorable Mention in

  1. A human colony skyscraper in space.
    “Cloud Capture” by South Korean architects Taehan Kim, Seoung Ji Lee and Yujin Ha.
    Towers that capture rain-bearing clouds and then take them where they are needed.
    “Crater Scraper” by China’s Xiaomia Xiao, Lixiang Miao, Xinmin Li & Minzhao Guo.
    Quickly heal a major asteroid strike crater in an urban centre.
    “pH Conditioners” by China’s Hao Tian, Huang Haiyang & Shi Jianwei. Floating towers
    harvest pollution from smoggy air, and turn it into useful fertiliser.

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