
(coco) #1

Graphic novel: Scarlet Traces

A 144-page full-colour paperback graphic novel
which recaps the famous H.G. Wells novel The
War of the Worlds, and then continues with a
sequel. Picking up a decade after the Martian
invasion, the new story tells of how the British
Empire’s boffins discovered the secrets of the
Martian technology and then deployed it
everywhere. In this tech-steampunk setting a
detective mystery story develops. On the
banks of the River Thames in London, Captain
Autumn and Sergeant-Major Currie find curious
bodies that draw them into a murder mystery.
The book is set for publication as a collected
edition in early January 2017, collecting the
previous pamphlet comic issues. It appears to
be set to launch a series of straightforward
doorstopper novels set in the same world, the
first of which is set to appear in summer 2017
as Scarlet Traces: Empire of Blood.
scarlet-traces-volume- 1

Stories: Stories of Your Life

The big new ‘aliens arrive’ movie Arrival is
gathering fine reviews, but did you know
that there's a short story behind the
movie? This story can be found in Ted
Chaing's 2014 Stories of Your Life and
Others collection, recently re-issued in
paperback with a movie-still cover under
the name Arrival. The eight stories inside
are all top-flight works, including two
Nebula Award winners, a Hugo winner, a
Locus winner, and more. Here are stories
from the Seattle-based writer about:
artificially boosted human intelligence; a
Victoriana steampunk age with actual
living golems; what might have happened
if the Tower of Babel had actually reached
a heaven; a tale of angels and a strange
new religion; and of course the story that
inspired Arrival. Sadly there's no audio
book version available yet, but there is an
affordable ebook edition for the Kindle.

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