
(Barry) #1
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>^ MARCH 2017

[ 042 ]

Tip: You can also reopen the filter and exper-
iment with different Diffuse Glow settings
by double-clicking on the filter’s name in the
Layers panel.

Step Six: Now let’s hide the glow from cer-
tain parts of the photo. Click on the Smart
Filters mask beneath the image layer in the
Layers panel to activate it (white brack-
ets appear around its thumbnail). Press B
to activate the Brush tool and pick a soft-
edged brush from the Brush Picker toward
the left end of the Options Bar. Set the Size
to around 100 pixels, and ensure the Mode
pop-up menu is set to Normal and that
Opacity and Flow are set to 100%. When-
ever you’re working with a mask, painting
with black conceals and white reveals, so to
hide the filter effect, you need to paint with
black. Press X on your keyboard until your
Foreground color is set to black.

Step Seven: With that large, soft brush,
paint across the background, the model’s
dress, hair, teeth, and the iris of each eye.
You can change your brush size as you
paint by pressing the Left Bracket key ([) to
decrease it or the Right Bracket key (]) to
increase it. If you hide too much of the glow,
press X on your keyboard to switch your
Foreground color to white, and then paint
that area again.
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