
(Barry) #1

[ 047 ]

The hair around the shoulders of our model
contains fine details and highlights that made it
difficult for Photoshop to mask. So, instead of
spending time trying to hide these areas, we’ll
paint in digital hair.

Step Seven: Create a new layer by pressing
Command-Shift-N (PC: Ctrl-Shift-N), name it
“Hair” in the New Layer dialog, and click OK.
Make sure that the new Hair layer is directly
above the layer that contains our model in the
Layers panel.

Step Eight: Select the Brush tool (B) from the
Toolbar, and set it to a one-pixel, soft-edged
brush in the Brush Picker in the Options Bar.
On the Hair layer, zoom in, and paint in the
strands of hair that Photoshop couldn’t select.
Don’t paint using only one single color, though.
Sample from the different colors that are already
found in the hair by pressing-and-holding the
Option (PC: Alt) key to temporarily switch to the
Eyedropper tool, clicking to select a color, and
then releasing the Option (PC: Alt) key to return
to the Brush tool.

Step Nine: Select both the Hair and the model’s
layers in the Layers panel by press-and-holding
the Shift key and clicking on them both, then
go to Layer>Smart Objects>Convert to Smart
Object. Double-click on the new smart object
layer’s name and rename it “Woman Red Dress.”

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