7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book

(lhb123) #1

  • Chapters with problems and solutions. For example, if you were writing a
    book on dieting, you could write seven chapters all posing a typical problem,
    and then provide solutions for each problem.

  • The last chapter is the wrap-up. In this chapter, you'll want to give readers
    instructions on where they go from here, and you'll also want to include an
    inspirational message.

  • A glossary is useful if it will be necessary for readers new to the subject area.
    For example, if your book contains a lot of industry jargon with which your
    reader is unfamiliar, give explanations of terminology here.

  • An index. I'm always disappointed when an otherwise excellent book, that I'll
    be referring to again, omits an index. I know creating an index is a hassle, but
    if you think your readers will use it, then go the extra mile and include it.

Will you need graphics or photographs?

If your book needs photos or other graphics, start thinking about them now. For
example, if you’re writing about pet care, then by all means send along a couple of
relevant photos or graphics with your proposal. However, illustrative material is only
useful if it adds value for the reader. Do the other books which cover the same subject
as your book include graphics?
If you decide that your book must have graphics, mention this in your
proposal. Send along an image or two, even if you've only taken them with your own
digital camera.


Day Five: Write your proposal query letter, and submit

it to agents and publishers

Day Five Tasks


Task One: Start a contact list of agents and publishers

Finding an agent/ publisher is the first step to selling your book proposal. However,
even after you've sold your proposal, you'll want to stay current with agent and
publisher news to sell your next proposal, and the one after that.
Start a contact list of agents and publishers, and as you find snippets of
information online, or in your offline reading, enter notes into your database.
Information you might want to add includes: recent sales and the amount the book
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