around 200 0 , during the height of the dot com boom, and focus on online markets for
Please let me know if you'd like to see a proposal for the book.
Angela Booth
Write your query letter!
The next step is to write your own query letter. Don’t take too long over this. Make a
couple of notes of points you want to include, and write it. You can include your blurb
---^ your blurb could in fact make up the bulk of your letter.^
Here's^ a^ quick^ outline^ for^ your^ letter:^
A. Introduce yourself in 20 words or less, and state your business --- "I'm seeking
representation for my book: [title]..."
B.^ Blurb.^
C.^ Your credentials.^
D.^ Identify the market for the book.^
"Don'ts" for your^ query^ letter^
1.^ Don't^ make^ unsupported^ claims^ for^ yourself^ or^ your^ book^
Please don't say that you're successful or that you've written a bestseller. Only
beginning writers make claims like this. The agent or editor will immediately classify
you as a novice, and an irritating one at that.
(On the other hand, if a well-known much-published writer has praised you or
your book, say so, and give his/ her contact details so that the editor can call him/
2.^ Don't^ mention^ that^ you're^ unpublished^
The agent will figure it out when you don’t mention writing credits. Please note:
THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. Everyone must start somewhere. Editors and agents
know this, and they won’t hold it against you. They will judge your book proposal
query on its merits. If an agent feels that your material is something that she can sell,