Yachting Monthly – March 2018

(Nora) #1

more years, more sunsets, more passages?
For five decades, every spare penny has
been spent on going to sea. A friend helped us
buy the Contessa. The Nic 3 1, which took us
safely to Gibraltar and on, was funded by
changing homes. After that, every time we had
a pay rise, were promoted or changed house,

the spare money bought a new larger craft: a
Contest, a Lightwave, a Baltic, then the Grand
Soleil 50. What was it that Norwegian captain
said: ‘A boat’s length should match your age.’
They almost did. But, once I became 20 years
older than the foot length of Leone, it no longer
remained true. She had to go.
‘Downsizing.’ The word is
crude and cruel but, forced as
it is upon us ageing sailors, it
is actually less cruel. And so, I
have found my solution in the
shape of another boat.
Musketeer is 14 years
old. When we found her,
her paintwork was tired,
her main pulling in the
wrong directions, but now
her 11m of newly painted
blue hull shines, while the
new sprayhood, stack pack,
main and jib, halyards and
sheets make this Swedish
beauty look born again.

I have spent way too much renewing her; she is
wildly over-capitalised, but with Leone off our
hands there were pennies left for other work. So
this year, Musketeer, my Admiral and
I will experience new adventures.
I have sailed several of our boats to the
Mediterranean over the years, sailed them
across the Atlantic three times and experienced
bays and winds as far afield as New Zealand.
Leone was bought in the Med and sold there
several months ago. Being nearly 9ft deep, there
were places she couldn’t go – places that we
can now go with a 3 6ft boat that only draws 6ft.
We wanted to cruise the Mediterranean again,
but as we discussed getting Musketeer to the
Med, the Admiral had that quizzical look again.
So instead of long night passages, we let a
yacht-carrying cargo vessel do the work. At
an average of 14 knots, it took her less than
a week to deliver Musketeer to Mallorca.
Nothing could have been easier: sail alongside
in Southampton, step off, take a flight and meet
her on arrival. Mast up, she was in a berth and
ready to go within hours. Of course, we have
overstocked her, but Musketeer looks happy
in the Spanish sunshine, and I feel equally
bright in the knowledge that I can more easily
hand sail, anchor and mooring lines.
I also know that when Musketeer is, in turn,
one day too big, there could be a 20-footer and
after that, a daysailer or a keeled dinghy. It is not
what I had dreaded: it is not the end. My admiral,
too, looks more content, knowing that I have
finally faced the inevitable. I now know that as
long as I can move a wheel or tiller, pull a rope
or a string, see a navigation mark and feel the
wind on my cheek, I will sail. Downsizing is a
new adventure. It may even be more fulfilling
than all those years of upsizing.


Having decided on
shipping Musketeer,
loading her couldn’t
have been easier

Musketeer safely
delivered to the Med

The ‘Admiral’ Paddie and our
son Chris, pleased with the
new, smaller boat

A samller boat is a
neat solution to the
ageing problem
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