Photoshop User July 2017

(vip2019) #1

>^ JULY 2017

[ 12 ]

Inspiration, information, and member musings to fuel your creativity

Congratulations, Kaylee Greer!
For those of you who haven’t heard the news, professional
dog photographer and KelbyOne instructor, Kaylee Greer,
has earned not one, but two awards in the Kennel Club Dog
Photographer of the Year competition. Kaylee took third
place in the Rescue Dogs (Charity Category) with a picture
of Joshua, a Pit Bull Terrier. And she took home first place
in the Dogs at Play category with the image below of Petey,
a Wheaten Terrier. Let’s have a round of applause for her
accomplishments. Way to go, Kaylee!
If you’d like to see more of the winning images in
the Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year, visit the
website and view the 2017 Winners Gallery. But if you
haven’t seen any of Kaylee’s classes yet, now’s the per-
fect time to sit down and catch up! She has two you can
choose from: Dog Photography: Overcoming Challenging
Situations and The Secrets to Capturing the Best. Dog.
Photos. Ever. Taken.

Announcing the Next Featured
Artist of The Gallery at KelbyOne
We’re beyond excited to announce the next featured artist
with a solo show at The Gallery at KelbyOne. Congratulations
to Melanie Kern-Favilla! Located in Long Island, Melanie is
the proud owner of MFK Photography. She photographs a
number of different subjects, but the work that really caught
our attention was her “Flora” body of images. With a clean
aesthetic, these floral images really pop. We can’t wait for
you to see all of her images printed and mounted (thanks,
Bay Photo!) in our gallery. The show itself will take place at
7 p.m. EST on Friday, July 21, 2017. Starting at 8 p.m. EST,
we’ll broadcast a live 1-hour interview from the KelbyOne
Theater. Whether it’s in person or virtually, we hope to see
you in the audience!

Meet our Newest Instructors
We’ve introduced you to a few new instructors this year—
three to be exact! And we have more on the way! But let’s
not get ahead of ourselves. In case you’ve been busy taking
other KelbyOne classes from names you recognize, we’d like
to take the time to introduce you to the latest members of
the KelbyOne instructor gang and give you an idea of what
you can expect from them. Starting with the most recent new
instructor, here we go:
Kalebra Kelby—You Shot That with Your iPhone?: For those
of you who are avid watchers of The Grid or Scott Kelby’s
classes, or have been to Photoshop World, you’ve prob-
ably seen Kalebra a time or two or three—she’s one of the
KelbyOne partners, Scott’s wife, and a really incredible iPhone
photographer. She’s always snapping photos and sharing her
adventures, which you can read about on her blog, Kalebra.
Kalebra doesn’t just show you how to take a photo on
your iPhone. She helps you familiarize yourself with all the
little technicalities of the device so that when you take the
image, you get a DSLR-quality photograph.
Rob Foldy—Sports Photography: Make Your Pee Wees Look
Like Pros: Based outside of Miami, Rob Foldy is a professional
sports and portrait photographer. His clients include, Nike,
Beats by Dre, and more. He’s also had work featured by The
New York Times, ESPN’s Sports Center, and many more. So to
say he can teach you a thing or two about sports photography
is an understatement!
In his class, Rob shows you how you can use the gear you
already have, whether it’s a phone, a point-and-shoot, or a
DSLR, to take the photos your subjects will be proud to show
off to friends and family.
Tracy Sweeney—Family Photography: The Art of Storytelling:
Owner and photographer of Elan Studio, Tracy Sweeney, is
based in Bristol, Rhode Island. Tracy is known for her newborn
and child photography and has won awards internationally
for her work and been featured in Click Magazine, Digital SLR
Photography Magazine, Rangefinder, and more.
Rather than just teach you how to photograph kids in a
portrait setting, Tracy teaches you how to capture those oh-so
beautiful candid moments and tell photographic stories that
evoke real emotions.
By the way, we’re going to start interviewing instructors
in each issue so you can get to know them even better.
This issue, we interviewed Viktor Fejes on page 16. In fact,
he’s so new to the instructor team, his classes are still
in postproduction.


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