Photoshop User July 2017

(vip2019) #1

[ 7 ]

All my best,

Scott Kelby
KelbyOne President & CEO
Editor & Publisher, Photoshop User

Well, once again, there’s a lot going on, so here we go.
Last issue, I mentioned we were about ready to put the
new KelbyOne course app into beta testing using mem-
bers from our online Community forums. I’m happy to
announce that the beta is up and running, and we’re
getting some great feedback. The app is pretty stable,
so it should be available to everyone shortly on both iOS
and Android. I know a lot of you have been waiting to be
able to take courses offline for travel, or when you don’t
have an awesome Internet connection, and this app will let
you do just that, so we’re excited to get it to you as soon
as the beta testers give it the thumbs up.
We’re starting a new interview column here in the
magazine designed to help you get to know your KelbyOne
instructors—especially some of the exciting new instructors
that we’ve brought on board, such our first instructor in
this series, Budapest-based high-end retoucher Viktor Fejes.
He was absolutely wonderful during his private Members-
Only Webcast a few weeks ago, and he gained a whole
bunch of new fans; but we want you to learn more about
the man behind the retouching, so make sure you check
out his interview in this issue, starting on page 16.
If you’re not already interacting with other mem-
bers and the instructors, such as Viktor, in the KelbyOne
Community, I can’t urge you enough to stop in there. It’s
an incredibly friendly, helpful, generous place, and very
different from some of the public forums you’ve experi-
enced out there. I promise that you’ll find this a very warm,
welcoming environment. Plus, each time we release a
course, we have a “Discuss this Course” button where you
can jump in and talk with other members who’ve watched
the course, and in most cases, you can address the instruc-
tors themselves. You’ll find more and more instructors
in there, especially when a new course comes out—they’re
right in there answering questions and chatting with
members from all over the world. You can find the commu-
nity in your member Dashboard: under Community, click
Discussion. While you’re there, there’s a link where you
can order KelbyOne swag (T-shirts, ball caps, cups, etc.).
We’re just a few days away from honoring the work
of KelbyOne member Melanie Kern-Favilla in her own
gallery showing and interview, streamed live, at The
Gallery at KelbyOne. We’re excited to share Melanie’s


amazing work with you, and I hope you can join us at
8 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2017 (we’ll share the link directly
with you via email).
My new course on using Macphun’s Luminar plug-in
is out, and the feedback has been just tremendous. Lumi-
nar is what I’m using in place of Color Efex Pro 4 now that
Google has announced they’re no longer issuing bug fixes
for their Nik Collection of plug-ins, which is slowly dying for
many users out there. I hope you’ll give the course a look
now that it’s been released. Plus, we got Macphun to give
our members a 15% discount, so check that out in the
Perks section of your Dashboard.
We have more live Members-Only Webcasts coming
up, including one with Paris-based Lightroom expert (and
Photoshop World 2017 instructor) Serge Ramelli. For those
of you who caught Serge during his recent appearance on
The Grid (my weekly photography show that airs live every
Wednesday at 4 p.m. EST), you know how valuable Serge’s
insights are, so you’ll want to be sure to catch this private
Members-Only Webcast on Tuesday, July 18 (keep an eye
on your inbox for the link and times).
Lastly, it was Serge who was telling me that he saved
nearly $400 using his Apple discount just for KelbyOne
members when he bought his new Macintosh computer.
Apple doesn’t really take much (if anything) off the price
of an iPhone or iPad, but if you need a new laptop or com-
puter, the discounts they give our members are pretty amaz-
ing. Look for the link to their special KelbyOne store Apple
created just for KelbyOne members on the Discounts page
(again, under Perks in your member Dashboard).
There will be lots more to share next issue, as we have a
bunch of new projects we’re working on behind the scenes,
and lots more amazing courses on the way. Thanks for
taking a couple of minutes to catch up on all this stuff with
me, and we’ll see you online in the Community forums. : )

A Note from Scott

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