
(backadmin) #1

>^ JULY 2017

[ 48 ]

› › HOW TO

Now that Photoshop has done the hard work
of creating the intricate selection for me, I can eas-
ily turn it into a mask with only one click. I want
to add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer from
my Adjustments panel (Window>Adjustments).
Hue/Saturation automatically comes with a mask,
which will automatically use the selection in the
image to generate the mask. Here’s the mask that
was immediately created for me.
Can I just take a moment to point out that
we’ve created a detailed mask with only a mouse
click and no free-hand painting? Yeah, we just
did that!

Sometimes the mask I get when I use Color
Range is really detailed, but I need the mask to
be more extreme, so I need to tweak the mask
that I currently have. To do this, hold down
Option (PC: Alt) and click on the layer mask
thumbnail to preview the mask on the whole
image. Then press Command-L (PC: Ctrl-L) to
bring up the Levels dialog. In the Input Levels
section, pull the highlight and midtone sliders
to the left to make the mask more “polarized”
or more black-and-white (with less grey). Take
a look at the two screen grabs to the right and
look at the different positions of the sliders and
see how it changes the areas that are white,
gray, and black in the mask.
Click OK in the Levels dialog, and then hold
Option (PC: Alt) again while clicking on the layer
mask thumbnail once more to turn the mask
preview off and go back to looking at the actual
image and not the mask.
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