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[ the project ]


about the client
Refundo wants to reinvent the tax-related bank product industry; its mission is to help tax professionals serve underbanked individuals and families nationwide. The company offers
a bank product platform to tax preparers that they can use with their own software to help their clients get refunds quickly. The company’s Web application offers an intuitive
interface that lets its customers be more productive and save time during tax season. That translates into a low-cost and convenient bank product for underserved communities.
The Refundo team represents more than 25 years of both tax preparation and financial expertise. Some were e-file pioneers, while others have sat behind the desk giving
expert tax advice for decades. This experience and know-how enables the company to offer the tax preparers exactly what they need to serve customers with the utmost integrity
and transparency.

Chinchilla found a designer for Refundo dashboard proj-
ect on Dribbble, a site where “Web designers, graphic
designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo
designers, and other creative their work,
process, and current projects.” He happened to see Budi
Harto Tanrim’s mockup of a PayPal redesign. “I thought
it was nice and clean, and I started talking to him,” he
says. The two worked on a separate project, and Chin-
chilla liked the experience, so he invited Tanrim to work
on the Refundo dashboard redesign. Tanrim lives in Indo-
nesia, so Refundo brought him to New Jersey for a couple
of months, and after that they communicated via Skype.
“We wanted something that was fun,” says Chinchilla.
“We’re dealing with a lot of bank processes, and we didn’t
want it to look so much like a regular bank website. We
wanted a little younger feel.”
Most of Refundo’s year-round traffic is from tax pro-
fessionals, so Chinchilla also wanted the dashboard to
look tech-savvy and modern, which would help build
confidence in the company’s product.
Chinchilla told Tanrim that he wanted the new dash-
board to be more user-friendly and to have a low learning
curve for a new user. “When they presented the existing
dashboard to me, it was pretty confusing because I had
to grab information from different places,” recalls Tanrim.
“They got complaints from their customers about the unin-
tuitive user interface.”
Chinchilla was impressed with Tanrim’s approach
to the project. “Budi is very disciplined and also very
opinionated, which we appreciated,” he says. “Some-
times we didn’t agree with each other, and he would
work out alternatives. But a lot of times he was right with
his approach.”
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