
(backadmin) #1

>^ JULY 2017

[ 88 ]


Company: Profoto

Price: $2,095

Rating: 4.5

Hot: 325 full-power flash pops; 70% brighter
modeling light; 9-stop HSS

Not: How about more (800 Ws)
power, Profoto?

Review by Michael Corsentino

Battery-Powered Monolight is
Ideal for On-Location Photography

Profoto B1X

500 AirTTL

Profoto had a smash hit on their hands three years ago with the
introduction of their much-lauded B1 Air 500-watts/second (Ws),
battery-operated strobe. (I own three; they’re feature-rich, tough-
as-nails portable strobes.) Never one to rest on their laurels, Pro-
foto is back with the new B1X 500 AirTTL; however, the B1X is far
from a simple update—it’s in a league of its own.
Like its predecessor, the B1X is 500 Ws, ten times more
powerful than the average speedlight; but that’s where the
similarities end. The B1X sees improvements in three key power
areas: the battery, the modeling light, and the implementation
of High-Speed Sync (HSS), along with cosmetic improvements.
Profoto also introduced two new light modifiers specially designed
for use with the B1/B1X’s flat-front diffusion glass: the OCF Zoom
Reflector and the OCF Magnum Reflector. The OCF Zoom
Reflector ($149) doubles the effective light output at two meters,
and the OCF Magnum Reflector ($199) adds even more effective
power output.
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