
(backadmin) #1
Review by Peter Bauer

Publisher: Adobe Press

Pages: 400

Price: $59.99; $37.67 (Kindle)


This is a comprehensive guide to Photoshop CC 2017, minus,
of course, features added after the book was written. As is the
standard for this series, the book is very well written and illus-
trated. It primarily uses a series of exercises to help you learn the
various features and tools in Photoshop. The files used in the
projects are available for download so that you can play along
with the photos used by the authors. (If you have the Kindle
edition, you can read the book on an iPad, tablet, or laptop
while working on the exercises rather than flipping back and
forth on a single computer screen.) If you consider yourself to be
an expert in certain areas of Photoshop and want to see what
else there is in the program, try this book. n

By Andrew Faulkner and Conrad Chavez

Adobe Photoshop CC

Classroom in a Book

(2017 release)


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