
(coco) #1

>^ JUNE 2017

[ 22 ]

› › HOW TO

Step Three: Switch to the Move
tool (V) and drag the Sherlock
image over to the main document
that we created in Step One. Hold
down the Shift key before you
release the mouse button so that
the image lands centered in the
canvas. Press Command-T (PC:
Ctrl-T) to activate Free Transform to
scale and reposition the image to
fit better in the composition. Hold
down Shift-Option (PC: Shift-Alt)
as you drag out a corner handle to
scale the image larger (Shift main-
tains proportions and Option [PC:
Alt] transforms it from the center
outward). Then, just click-and-drag
inside the bounding box to reposi-
tion it. Press Enter to commit the
transformation when done.

Step Four: In the Layers panel,
lower the Opacity of the Sherlock
layer to 75%.

Step Five: Click the Create a New
layer icon at the bottom of the Lay-
ers panel to create a new blank
layer above the Sherlock layer. Then
set the layer blend mode near the
top left of the Layers panel to Over-
lay and drop the Opacity to 75%.
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