
(coco) #1
[ 35 ]


Step Six: To further shape the light into a shape
that more closely resembles a wing, go to Edit>
Transform>Warp. Pull on the warp grid points
to bend the top area of the wing to form a
smooth curve. Pull down on the bottom corner
points to expand the light curve downward to
fill in more area for the wing. Press Enter to
commit the transformation.

Step Seven: Place the LightStreak5.jpg image
into the composition and change the blend
mode to Linear Dodge. Use Edit>Transform>Flip
Horizontal and then rotate it to form the bottom
curve of the wing. Use Edit>Transform>Warp to
further refine the curve to fit the proper shape.
Press Enter.

Step Eight: Place the LightStreak2.jpg image
into the composition in the same fashion. This
one will be used for defining the outside curve of
the wing as it slopes inward from the top edge.
We rotated it to the left to around –115°. Be
sure to use the Linear Dodge blend mode and
warp the light shape as needed.

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