
(coco) #1

>^ JUNE 2017

[ 38 ]

› › HOW TO

Step 14: The two wings should be almost
symmetrical, but not perfectly so. There should
be some slight variation for realism. First, delete
the mask from the second wing by Right-click-
ing on the mask thumbnail and selecting Delete
Layer Mask. Then use the warp transformation on
the second wing to cre-
ate a slight deformation
difference. This alteration
should be subtle, so use
very small movements on
the warp mesh.

Step 15: We removed the layer mask in the
previous step, not because it wasn’t needed,
but because we needed to warp the wing first,
and the warp transformation doesn’t like linked
masks. Additionally, this wing should have its own
unique mask. So add a new layer mask and use
the brush again to remove stray light elements.
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