
(coco) #1
[ 41 ]


Step 20: Let’s soften the glow layer with a
blur using Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, and in
the dialog set a Radius setting of 5 pixels
(I used 10 pixels for the high-res version of
the image), and click OK. Now, go to Image>
Adjustments>Hue/Saturation and check the Col-
orize option. Set the Hue to 50 and Saturation to
67, and click OK to give the layer a bright-yellow
color. Then set the layer blend mode to Screen
and reduce the Opacity to 50%.

Step 21: Click on the background image layer
in the Layers panel to make it the active layer
and go to Filter>Convert for Smart Filters. Next,
go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects, set the
drop-down menu at the top of the Properties
panel to Point, and drag the center of the light
to the center of the frame. Hover your cursor
over the outer edge of the light until it turns
yellow, and then click-and-drag to resize the
light (as shown here). Click on the Color Swatch
in the Properties panel, set the color to a pale
green (RGB values of 203, 252, 99, respec-
tively), and click OK to close the Color Picker.
Set the light Intensity to 20, Exposure to 10,
Metallic to 67, and Ambience to 54. Apply the
effect with the OK button in the Options Bar.

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