
(coco) #1

>^ JUNE 2017

[ 62 ]

› › HOW TO

Next, I’m going to play around
with a few adjustments to the
lips using other blend modes to
demonstrate some of the differ-
ent looks you can achieve. First,
I created another merged layer at
the top of the layer stack, added
another new Hue/Saturation
layer, set the Hue to –134 in the
Properties panel, and copied the
lip layer mask as described above
from the rainbow color layer to
this new Hue/Saturation layer.
Now that I have the Hue/Sat-
uration layer set up and masked,
I can play around and see what
happens as I switch between
blend modes. Here are the ones
I used: Normal, Darken, Linear
Dodge (Add), Soft Light, Exclu-
sion, Divide, and Hue. (Note: For
some of them, I played around
with the Blend If sliders in the
Layer Style dialog. The sliders
give you even more control over
how the two layers blend with
each other. To access the Blend
If sliders, double-click to the right
of the Hue/Saturation layer’s
name in the Layers panel. To split
a slider into two parts, Option-
click [PC: Alt-click] it. Splitting
sliders will give you smoother
transitions.) Each of the example
images looks significantly differ-
ent, even though they all have
the same Hue/Saturation layer.
That’s the magic of exploring the
different blend modes.

I hope this inspires you to play
around with layer blend modes.
As you can see, they create very
versatile looks. Now get out
there and have some fun with
your images! n


Soft Light


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