Blue Water Sailing - June 2018

(Tina Meador) #1


Beckons by Craig & Peter Smith






(^18) BLUE WATER SAILING • June/July 2018


n distant memory are Su-
san and Eric Hiscock and
company, those pioneering
sailors who, during Peter’s
childhood, planted the seed
of a life on the sea – not only
in him, but others germinating
through the years into today’s
cruising fraternity. Saint Helena
always seemed to receive a whole
chapter in the Hiscock’s epistles,

as it was an important stop in
the long haul from South Africa
to the Caribbean, Bermuda, or
the Azores, on the final leg home
to England in their tiny vessels.
Their stories were read by genera-
tions, they became legendary and
Peter has long had Saint Helena
on his list of destinations for his
own vessel.
Many years and ocean miles

into his own sailing life, a num-
ber of ex-pat “Saints” are to be
found working and settled on the
Falkland Islands, characters who
rekindled old dreams and firmed
the island on Kiwi Roa’s itinerary
for the passage after South Africa
and Namibia.
On moving up the Skeleton
Coast, Peter went as far north as
Walvis Bay, partly because it cre-
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