Blue Water Sailing - June 2018

(Tina Meador) #1^9

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Shakedown Cruise
Bu Nigel Calder
188 pages, Adlard Coles

Nigel Calder is one of the most re-
nown marine writers in the world.
His claim to fame is primarily his
vast technical knowledge of all
things mechanical on boats and his

ability to explain how things work
and how to fix them in language
a luddite would understand. His
new book, Shakedown Cruise, is
a sailing memoir that covers his
first cruising adventures with his
family, the adventures that forced
him to become a technical wizard.
So, if you want to know the expert
before his rise to fame, the stories
in Shakedown Cruise will make
you smile.

Jean du Sud and
the Magick Byrd
By Yves Gelinas
170 pages, 59 North Publishing

A non-stop circumnavigation via
the five great southern capes in a
30-foot, Alberg-designed sloop, is
no small undertaking. Yet that is
exactly what Yves Gelinas set out
to do. And, despite being capsized
and dismasted in the Southern
Ocean, that is exactly what he ac-
complished over a period of 280

days. Part of the magic of the tale,
first publisher in French in 1986,
is that it proved his design for a
simple, elegant windvane self-
steering device was excellent. He
did not hand-steer for 280 days.
Thanks to Andy and Mia Schell
who bring us this tale in English to
introduce their hero and old friend
to the American sailing audience.
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