Boat International – April 2018

(WallPaper) #1


Illustration – David Hopkins


almost died in January. You might have
seen it on the news. I was filming for To p
Gear in Monaco, navigating in the Monte
Carlo Rally in a brand new Alpine 110 with my
fellow presenter Chris Harris at the wheel.
The car was ridiculously quick and we were
really throwing it around this rally course.
I was in the passenger seat calling out the
corners – “Easy right 40” and “Hard left 20”;
things like that. Chris was doing a great job
but the tone of the car changed when we exited
this hairpin turn, like we’d hit something.
Then suddenly Chris is shouting at me, “We’ve
lost electrics, we’ve lost electrics!” and the next
thing I know there are flames coming up my
legs. The fire was inside the car and we had to
get out. If my belt hadn’t opened properly I’d
have been toast! We got out and ran, expecting
a massive explosion but it didn’t come. The
car just burned down to almost nothing. I’ve
never been in a full fire before, in all my years
of motor racing. I’ve broken both my legs
and been in a few crashes, but that was one
experience that I’m very keen never to repeat,
thank you very much. It was a shame actually –
the car was amazing.

I was really sad to hear the news about Oyster
Yachts. I don’t know enough about what went
on to comment too much on it, only to say it’s
a great British brand and that I’m sure a buyer
will be found. It’s the Bentley of British sailing.
I didn’t even do a proper sea trial with my
Oyster Lush. I took her out of the yard and went
straight to Tenerife for the ARC. Fourteen
months later after a circumnavigation I had
no complaints at all, so it caused me significant
pain to hear about the brilliant workers being
made redundant. My thoughts are naturally
with them. I hope someone comes along to
keep it going.

From a brush with death to run-ins with charter guests,
Eddie Jordan is thankful to have got of lightly

Lippy from the Liey

I’d better get on topic: chartering. First of,
you have to be careful who you’re chartering
to. I remember one guy who just wouldn’t stop
smoking, no matter how many times he was
told, and then it turned out to be weed. The
captain told me he repeatedly warned this
guy that he’d be kicked of the boat if he was
caught one more time, and, of course, he was
caught. He and the captain got into a bit of a
row, fisticufs and all. My captain was a former
French submariner, hard as nails. Needless to
say, the guest got of the boat.
I also remember one time having to hire
a second chef because a bunch of girls had
chartered the boat. One chef did a normal
dinner at 8pm but some of the group didn’t get
out of bed until 11pm and they’d want dinner
at 1am – and that was before they went to the
clubs! Then some crew had to be up and fresh
to welcome them back at 6am or whatever.

You just pray they don’t make a mess of the boat.
But compared to some stories I’ve heard
I’ve got of very lightly. In the 12 or 14 years
I’ve chartered my boats I’ve probably only had
one incident a year. The lesson, I suppose,
is if you’re chartering to someone you don’t
know, for heaven’s sake get some references.
It’s one of the reasons why trusted, repeat
business is so important – and the key, for me,
to luring people back year after year is your
crew. I’ve had some great crew over the years
and we’ve had very low turnover. The guests
would always ask, “Are Sean and Matt still on
board?” or “Is Patrick still skipper?” It’s so, so
important. And a busy boat means big tips for
manage to ofset a few fuel bills.B

Eddie Jordan’s fee for this column has been
donated to charity


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