The perfect multitool
I read with interest your multitools group
gear test (YM, March 2018).
I have both a Leatherman Wave and
an earlier version of the Wichard Offshore,
which has a marlinspike. Personally,
it is so much easier to open or close
a shackle pin by using the key on the
Wichard rather than having to use pliers.
I believe the Wichard may also be slightly
The Leatherman Wave has many blades,
many of which I hardly ever use. I mainly
use the pair of pliers and one blade, as
one does have a comprehensive tool
kit on board.
However, the one knife I find really useful
is the Victorinox Skipper (mine
is one step below the one featured
in your group test as it does not have
the pliers). The screwdrivers are of
a ‘proper’ size, especially the Phillips,
and the blade is more than adequate.
It also has a corkscrew, which works!
So in conclusion, if I could design my
own multitool, it would have: the shackle
key of the Wichard, the marlinspike
of the Currey Lockspike Captain or the
Wichard, the pliers of the Leatherman
Sidekick, two blades, the screwdrivers
of the Victorinox Skipper or the Gerber
Crucial (which I’ve not seen or used),
the corkscrew, tweezers and toothpick
of the Victorinox Skipper and the strength
of a Leatherman Wave.
My old Wave, which sadly lies between
Salcombe and Yarmouth, had an adapter
for additional tools, but it never proved
very useful.
Please do continue with these group
comparison tests. They are very helpful,
as are the group comparison tests of
different yachts. I would also like to see
similar-sized yachts featured in group
tests, as the magazine did decades ago.
Albert Levy
Send us your letters in less than 200 words by email [email protected]
or by post Yachting Monthly, Time Inc. (UK) Ltd, Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7BF
Elements of several knives would
feature in Albert’s perfect multitool