Cruising World – May 2018

(nextflipdebug2) #1
may 2018




boat owner recently asked me about
a design she was working on for a
raw-water manifold, one that was to be
made from PVC pipe. My advice: “If you
can’t stand on it, it’s probably not robust
enough.” While that test method is less
than quantifi able (for example, I weigh
145 pounds, so what works for me might
fail for others), it generally addresses the
issue of raw-water plumbing, which in far
too many cases simply isn’t properly de-
signed or installed, at least not in a man-
ner that imparts the level of durability and
reliability required for such components.
Apart from seacocks, which I’ve
covered in previous columns, raw- water
plumbing includes any means by which
seawater is supplied to, or discharged
from, a range of equipment, such as en-
gines, generators, watermakers and
air-conditioning systems; deck, sink and
shower drains; and sanitation discharge
systems. For the most part, if it will re-
sult in fl ooding if it fails, it falls into the
category of “raw-water plumbing.”
Hoses used for this application must
be specifi cally rated for raw water (for in-
stance, “marine wet exhaust” or “SAE
J2006R”). While those examples refer
specifi cally to engine applications, in fact,
they are far broader in their coverage. In
other words, if the hose is good enough to
carry exhaust discharge, and is rated and
labeled for this use, it’s rugged enough for
most other raw-water applications.
Typically, hose of this sort is either

EPDM-based (this can be black or white
rubberlike material) or silicone, which is
usually blue or red. It’s critically import-
ant that the hose labeling include the
words “wet exhaust SAE J2006R.” In the
absence of this label, the hose’s suitabil-
ity for this purpose is unknown. Clear
PVC hose, sometimes called “red trace”

because of the red fi ber some versions
contain, is not designed to be used for
raw-water applications, and yet I encoun-
ter it on a near-daily basis in this role.
While silicone offers certain attri-
butes, it’s not always more desirable than
EPDM hose. Silicone is extremely fl ex-
ible, and thus well suited for absorbing
movement and vibration; for that rea-
son, it’s often used in exhaust systems.
However, it’s also more expensive and
less resistant to chafe, kink and crush
damage. For the majority of raw-water
applications, where extreme fl exibility is
not necessary, a high-quality EPDM hose
makes the most sense.
Metallic plumbing used in raw-water
applications must be both rigid and corro-
sion resistant. Bronze is the most popular
material; however, it’s available in a dizzy-
ing range of alloys, some of which are not
suitable for exposure to seawater. Gener-
ally speaking, copper alloys must contain
less than 15 percent zinc (the less the bet-
ter) in order to be safely used with seawa-
ter. Under no circumstances should brass
be used. Its high zinc content, typically
45 percent or more, makes it susceptible
to “dezincifi cation” and structural fail-

ure. While there’s no defi nitive means of
determining zinc content outside of lab
testing, the more yellow a copper alloy,
the more zinc it contains.
Because of its lack of tensile strength
and modulus of elasticity, the use of PVC
is frowned upon where raw water is con-
cerned, with very few exceptions. It is
occasionally and successfully used in
air-conditioning systems, for distribution
and return manifolds. When used in this
raw-water role, it must be schedule 80,
and fully supported and protected from
loose gear and misplaced feet. Hoses
must not impart excessive strain on PVC
plumbing components, and PVC plumb-
ing must never be directly attached to
seacocks, strainers or other below-the-
waterline gear.
Finally, remember that step-on-it test.
If you have doubts as to whether it will
stand up to this measure, it’s probably not
robust enough.

Steve D’Antonio offers services for boat
owners and buyers through Steve D’Antonio
Marine Consulting (stevedmarineconsulting


When it comes to raw-water plumbing protocols, there are
certain standards and procedures that must be met.

While at fi rst glance it looks similar
to bronze, because of its tendency to
“dezincify,” brass should never be used
for raw-water applications (top). This
unsupported seawater distribution
manifold is far too fragile for such a
critical role (above). Clear PVC hose,
even when wire reinforced, is unsuited
for conveying raw water. Rigid pipe
is more durable than hose, but it’s far
less fl exible (right). Long, unsupport-
ed overhanging sections are an invita-
tion to leverage-induced failure.

When it comes to raw water
manifolds fashioned from PVC pipe,
my advice is pretty simple: If you
can’t stand on it, it’s probably not
robust enough.
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