Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


These anchorages are alternatives to Safety Cave. Eaeh has its o~n
attraction and is well worth visiting.

Kwakshua Charinel lies between Calvert Island and Hecate Island to the
north. The entrance off Fitz Hugh Sound is about 7 miles north of Safety Cove.
The channel is about 5 miles long and has remarkably parallel, steep-to sides
for this distance. At the eastern end it divides into several finger~, while
the main Kwakshua Channel turns sharply northward in a right-angled turno

Keith Anchorage lies on the south side, opposi te Whittaker Point at the
turn of the channel. BC TeIephone Company microw8\'e to\.:ers stand atop the Iow
summit, and a smaii house and dock lie at the head of the bay. Anehorage ean
be taken here although winds may blow down the channel through the Iow passes.

Pruth Bay lies at the ~estern end of K~akshua Channei ~here it divides
into three fingers, Anchorage is best to~ards the head of the center finger,
off of a smali beach with two houses, in about 6 to 7 fathoms, sand. A trail
leads from the beaeh across the neck of land to a ~ide beach on the Pacifie
side of the island. A fantastie mask is carved ioto a cedar tree part ~ay
along the trail. A notice marks the start of the trail.

Anchorage can also be taken in a little cove in the northern part of
Kwakshua Channel on the east side about 1/2 mile north of Whittaker Point. The
south part of the cove is deep and shoals rapidly at the eastern side. Two
smail isIands (separated by a drying rock) mark the northern part of the cave.
Pass on either side of the roek to enter the northern seetion far anchorage.
There is sufficient spaee far two or three boats, sand bottom.

Proceeding north in K~akshua Channel, ~eay Islets and the surrounding reef
and shoals constriet the channel, which is other~ise clear. At the northern
end one may choose to go to the west to use Adams Harbor, or turn northeast to
pass through the narrow channel between Rattenbury Island and Heeate Island.
In both cases, use the chart as a guide, generally favoring the Rattenbury
rsland side. Eagles nest right alongside the channel on Rattenbury Island.
Upon leaving Kwakshua Channel one enters Hakai Passage ~here the effect of the
open sea Is felt. In summer the fog that often plagues these ~aters rol1s in
through Hakai Passage.

Goldstream Harbor is at the northern tip of Hecate Island, on the south
side of Hakai Passage as it joins Fitz Hugh Sound. An unnamed island lies off
the tip to form the harbor, which must be entered from the east off Fitz Hugh
Sound. Midway into the harbor the channe1 i5 narrowed by a drying reef
(Evening Rock) in mid-channel, and Hat Island which lies off the Heeate Island
shore. Pass between to enter the' basin where good anchorage can be taken in 7
to 12 fathoms, sand and mud.

Other anchorages along Fitz Hugh Sound can also be used. Kwakume Inlet is
on the east side of Fitz Hugh and ESE of Goldstrea~ Harbor. The entrance i5
very narrow -- between a small island on the north and an exposed rock on the
south. Anchor towards the head. Koeye River is about 5 miles north of K~akurne
Inlet. Ihere is a small bay south of, and behind the rock at the south part of
the entrance. Pass on the north sjde of this rock ~hen entering.
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