Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


As even Captain Vancouver's stirvey teams found, this little passage
enables one to to dodge the seas and weather in MiIbanke Sound and to take a
protected route into the lower part of Mathieson Channel. One can then proceed
northward to cross via Oscar Passage into Finlayson Channel.

Seaforth Chan~el becomes wider and more open to the sea as one approaches
Ivory Island. A major reporting lighthouse i5 at the southwestern end of Ivory
Island, on Robb Point. In strong northwesterlies choppy seas develop which
come into Seaforth Channel. The outside route through Milbanke Sound into
Finlayson Channel may be uncomfortable at such times. East af Ivory Island, in
the rack-strewn area between it and Harmston and Watch Islands there i5 a
passage (marked by a light and red buoy) leading up to Reid Passage.

There are many large and small, drying rocks in Blair Inlet and Powell
Anchorage, but mast are visible -- especially near low water. From the red
buoy a course set directly to the entrance of Reid Passage passes comfortably
clear of these scattered rocks.

Carne Rock (with a light on it) lies in the middie of the passage. A
shoal lies about 1,000 feet SSW of Carne Rock. Favor the east side of the
passage to pass these dangers. The least depth in this passage is about 4

Oliver Cove is on the eastern side near the northern end of Reid Inlet.
A reef projects from the southern point and should be avoided when entering.
Two small, treed islands block the northern section but good anchorage can be
taken in the south side. The remains of two old 10g cabins can be seen in the
trees behind, as well as alI the posts and beams of what was a barn. They lie
on the ground as they were assembled and second-growth timber grows up thraugh
them. The head af the cave shoals to mud fIats where clams are reported.

The north entrance to Reid Passage can be entered by passing near the
southern tip of Leighton Island before setting a course towards the southern
end of ~artha Island in Perceval Narro~s. This raute should clear Lizzie Rocks
at the southern tip of Lake Island -- a careful lookout must be kept. A course
can then be set up Perceval Narrows into the broad opening of Mathieson

Even in fog, a slaw, careful passage can be
unless visibility is such that it is inadvisable
Lady Trutch Passage as it is blocked with rocks.
Passage are discussed in the next page.

made through this section
lo travel. Do nat attempt
Moss Passage and Oscar

In calm weather the shortest rcute from Seaforth Channel to Finlayson
Channe! is via Milbanke Sound. Courses should be laid to clear the dangers off
the caast, passing to the east of Vancouver Rock, before standing up into
Finlayson Channel. Hawever, between Ivory Island and Klemtu only 7 miles are
saved, so that one might prefer the more interesting route via Reid Passage and
Mathieson Channel whatever the weather.
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