Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Baker Inlet, lO miles further north on the eastern shore of Grenvi1le
Channel, provides anchorage at the eastern end. The entrance through Watts
Narrows (200 feet wide) is deep but has strong currents. Use Prince Rupert
siack ~ater times when entering. ~hen travelling north the entrance is easy to
miss in spite of the light on the south side of the entrance. A white house at
Po-aae ~iver on the west side of Grenvil1e Channel can alert one to the
Iocation of the Narrows.

Three miles north of Baker InIet, on the northeastern side of Grenville
Channel is Kumealon Inlet. The l,500-foot wide entrance is between Lerwicke
and McMurray Points. A logging camp is in the smali bay beyond the entrance.
Depths are not known at the smal1 float in front of the campo

The main anchorage lies further up at the head of the inlet. Stay about
200 feet off the north shore to pass the rocky patch extending into mid-channe1
from the southern shore. Beyond the rocky area the eastern end of the in1et
forms a basin, where anchorage in lO - 12 fathoms can be taken. At the north
si de of the basin a narro~, rock encumbered channel with tidai falls leads from
Kumealon Lagoon. It cannot be entered except by dinghy at slack water.

A smaller but more convenient anchorage lies at the entrance, west of
Lerwick Point. There is room far only two or three boats here.

Not tO be used for navigation




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