Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


This 1s the Iargest Tiingit community of the South East. The village lies
on the east 5ide of Port Frederick, which is an inlet on Chicagof Island on the
south side of Icy Strait.

Enter Port Frederick after passing the light at Inner Point Sophia. The
fish plant facilities just behind the point are the Excursion Inlet Packing
Corporation docks. Continue past them for about 1 1/2 miIes to Hoonah,
entering the 5mall boat harbor beyond Pitt Island. Pass east of Pitt IsIand
and between the two breakwaters. The transient float is at the north end of
the basini which is operated by the town. Fuel can be obtained at the docks,
and water and power is available at the floats.

A walk along the grave I shore road will take one to the stare, cafe, and
gift shops. The cultural center has interesting loeaI exhibits. The State
ferry makes regular stops at Hoonah.

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Not to be used for navigation

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