Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


A few miles south of Takatz Bay the steep slopes of the snow-capped
mountains open to form the shores of Warm Springs Bay. A light is located 00
the southern point of the bay. Another identifying factor is the microwave
reflector seen on the crest of the northern ridge.

A rock surrounded by kelp lies in the middle of tre entrance. Pass on the
southern side of it in deep water, and proceed into the bay. The steep, green,
forested slopes, the prominent white cascade at the head of the bay, the roofs
of the few houses, and steam (sometimes trapped in the southern bights) give
this pIace a special mood.

At the head of the bay the public floats lie east of a pier near the
waterfall. Moorage can be taken on both sides of the 250-foot float, but
rafting may well be necessary. The heavy current passing in front of the float
should be taken into account when approaching the float. The current affects
the outer vessels of a raft more noticeably, so be certain that alI vessels are
well tied to the dock as we11 as to each other. It will be wise to put out
extra lines to the dock. No fuel or electricity is at the dock, only water.
However, good fishing can be had right off the ends of the dock.

The small community of Baranof 1ies along the shore towards the waterfail.
A small generaI store is at the end of the dock. Arrangements can be made at
the store to use the hot mineraI springs baths. A fee is charged which covers
a no-time-limit soak in stock troughs through which hot water flows directly
from the springs. The temperature can be regulated by adding cold water from a
tBp. This unisex bath house has several "bathrooms."

A few necessities can be obtained at the generaI store which also includes
a book exchange. The friendly storekeeper will probably invite one to take the
pretty quarter-mi1e waIk to overlook the falls and a further quarter-mile to
reach the lake. One may even be offered the use of 5ma1l boats at the lake far
fishing or exploration, It is worth the short walk to enjoy the beauty.

If space 1s unavailable at the wharf, one can anchor in the bay. The
current and roar of the falls is constant. Sometimes the cruise vessel,
Majestic Explorer, comes in at night (alI 1ìt up) for a quick view of the fa1ls
this is a cruise ship exploration trip!

From Warm Springs Bay one can go south along Chatham Strait towards Port
Armstrong and Cape Decision, cross to Tebenkof Bay or turn at Point Gardner on
Admiralty Island (7 miles southeast) to go up Frederick Sound. There is a
light on the westernmost of two rocks ofi Point Gardner. Pass between this
light and a lighted buoy marking the rocky ~hoals around Yasha Island. Heavy
tidal rips occur in this neighborhood which is frequented by humpback whales.

On the eastern side af Point Gardner i5 Surprise Harbor; not a go od anchor-
rage but useful if strong wind5 are found in Chatham Strait. However, the next
long cove 1s Murder Cave (which got its name when a murder was witnessed here).
It is best to enter at low water when the rocky hazards show clearly. Anchor-
age i5 fair off the ruins of an abandoned cannery about l mile into the cove.
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