Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1

Stikine River 130 Tolmie Channel 104 Weather 9, 200, 202
Storm Islands 91 Tongass Narrows 124 Io'elcome Passage^48
Strait of Georgia 6. 34 Tono .... ek Sarrows 190 Wel1bore Channel^76
Stuart Island 72 Topaze Harbour^76 West Cracroft Island^78
Sunderland Channel 76 Triple Island Light 202 Westview^52
Sukoi Inlet 172 Tracy Arm^144 Io'hales, ident ification^21 -^23
Sumner SU"ait 186 Tsunamis 16 WhaletOlòn i8
Surveyor Passage 170 Tuxekan Passage^190 White Rock^38
Svanson Harbor 154, 157 Io'hite Sulphur Springs no
l'ganda Passage 58 White~tone Sarro .... s 172
Takatz Bay 180 rnion Bay 126, 128 Whirlpool Rapids^76
Taku Harbor 146 l'rsula Channel 108 w'hirlwind Bay^96
Tamgass Harbor 196 Winchelsea ContraI^6
Tebenkoff Bay 184 \"ancouver 42, 44 Wooden w'heeI Cove 186

Tenakee Springs 178 \'eno Passage (^118) work Island 108
Tenedos Bar ')4 Very Inlet 122 Wrangel1 130
Teot Island Marine Park 32 Victoria 26 Wrangell Sarrows^134
Thormanby Islands 48 \'ixeo Harbor 128 Wright Sound 110
Thrasher Rock 34 \"on Donop Inlet 58
Three Hill Islaod 168 )'ucuIta Rapids^72
Tides and currents lO liales, Prince of, Island 192 Yakobi lsland 168
Tide Tables lI, 198. 199 lialker Group^88
Tlevak Narro .... s 194 \iarm Springs Bar 182 Zayas Island 197
Tokeeo 188 waterfall Cove 180 Zimovia Strait^128

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