Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1

Dalls Porpoise

Friendly and playful, they will come to cavort in the boat's bow wave.
Black with white patches on the belly. throat. and flippers. they could be
mistaken for killer whales except that they are sma1l (7 feet long) and have a
5mall dorsal fin. Porpoises lack the dolphin's beak. They are fast, and
travelling in groups they may be found anywhere in South East Alaska waters.

Rising Blowing Diving

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Harbor Porpoise

The smallest of the whales (5 to 6 feet), they are usually alI black or
brown. They are more aloof than the Dalls and rarely approach boats closely.
A small curved dorsal fin is in the center of its back. Sometimes alone,
sometimes in large groups, they can be seen hunting inside small anchorages or
passing nea. their entrances. throughout South East Alaska.

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