Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Haro Strait, trending north from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, separates
Victoria and the Gulf Islands in Canada from the San Juan Islands in the United
States. The International Boundary passes roughly midway up the Strait. San
Juan Island is one of the largest islands in the archipelago, and has two Ports
of Entry in Friday Harbor and Roche Harbor.

Friday Harbor 'is the principal to,,'n of the San Juans. The harbor is in a
cove about a mile wide, with Brown Island set in the middle of the cove. The
north entrance is wider, is marked by lights, and gives directly on to the
town. At the northern entrance the University of Washington Oceanographic
Laboratories are prominent, with a pier extending out from the shore. The
southern entrance i5 a1so clear and can be used.

The town of Friday Harbor, with the ferry terminaI is in the western part
of the cove. Adjacent to the ferry terminaI is a large area of breakwater
protected city floats, where moorage can be obtained. The harbormaster has an
office at the head of the floats. Showers are available, and the town offers
many restaurants, shops and other facilities. Fuel and "'ater are available.
The Customs Office is adjacent to the breakwater near the seaplane fIoats, and
has a mooring slip for small craft. Vessels entering U.S. waters from Canada
or overseas can report in for clearance. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. Monday through Saturday -- Sundays and holidays, and after hours calI
800-562-5943. There are many other private marinas, docks, floats, and
facilities along the shore. Anchorage can be taken, however, in the cave, but
it is better southwest of Brown Island clear of the ferry's main route to and
from the terminaI. Many vessels are anchored out, and they indicate the area
availab1e which is clear of ferry traffico

Roche Harbor is at the northwest corner of San Juan Island, and is thus
closer to Vancouver Island, though almost as distant from Victoria as Friday
Harbor. Henry Island and Pearl Island give good protection to the harbor. The
main entrance i5 from the north, between Henry and Pearl Islands. Stay in
mid-channel. The various other entrances can be used, but are narrower,
obstructed in places by kelp beds and shoals, and are less convenient to use.
The main facilities are in the eastern portion of the bar, and are maintained
and run by a large resort. Anchorage is also available in the harbor.

There are floats for more than 250 boats. Fuei and water, marine
supplies, and provisions are available, and the hotel offers restaurant and other
services. The setting is attractive, and the old lime company works have been
used as a backdrop. Customs Officers are located here in summer. The Customs
float is near the fuel dock. In winter they are on calI from Friday Harbor,
(206) 378 - 2080.

Garrison Bar opens off Mosquito Pass, the narraI.' southern entrance to Roche
Harbor. The British Camp in the Pig War of 1860 was located here. Displays
and programs are presented to explain this historical incident which gave San
Juan Island a touch of notoriety.
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