Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


The actuai town of Powe11 River surrounds the mili which is conspicuous
because of the talI power piant stacks and their plumes of smoke. The pu1p
mill is run by McMillan BIoedel and it is the town's main supporto The harbor
near the miI1 (behind the sunken ship breakwater) is a booming ground for 10gs.

The city harbor is at Westview, a residential suburb south of the mill
site. A Iarge rock breakwater extends on either side of the B.C. Ferry Dock.
The northern basin is a pleasure craft marina that is filied with permanent
moorages. The southern basin is public and the wide floats are shared by both
fishing vessels and transient yachts. Enter at the southern end. The harbor-
master's office is in a buiIding at the side of the main ferry pier. A fuei
barge is moored in the southern corner of the harbor, and the many tanks on
shore are visible as an identifying feature when approaching the harbor.

There are stores and restaurants nearby, larger shops are within a mile and
taxi service is avaiIable. Buses and airlines Iink Powell River to Vancouver.

Grief Point is the low sandy point about 2 miles south of Powell River. It
is backed by many residential houses. The point marks the turn from Malaspina
Strait (which can be quite windy) into the more open vater of the Strait of
Georgia. On the south si de of the point there is a small marina behind an
enclosing rock breakwater which can be used as a refuge if the winds are
strong. Turning space at the entrance to the marina is quite limited, so do
not enter too quickly.

Lund is a small town at the end of the coastal road from Vancouver. A
steel pontoon, wooden pIank, and steel frame breakwater protects a smaii niche
in the rocky coast. Entrance is around either side of the breakwater, through
30- to 40-foot openings. The smali harbor has public fIoats, a government
wharf, and a fuei dock. Note the black buoy marking a rock between the floats
and the wharf. A launching ramp allows power boats from distant ports to
cruise Desolation Sound. >eP- ,fJl~.

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Not to be used for navigation

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