Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1


Cordero Channel continues in a northwesterly direction following the
passage of Dent Rapids. At Hall Point, the northern tip of Sonora Island,
Nodales Channel leads off from Cordero in a southwesterly direction to join
Johnstone Strait near Chatham Point. The northern pass route continues along
Cordero Channel.

Shoal Bay is on the south side of the channel about 2 miles from Nodales
junction. A government dock with a long pier leading ashore is at the south-
west corner of the bay. A boardwalk leads to an old hotel. If the small float
at the dock is fully occupied one may anchor west of the dock in 3 - 4 fathoms.
mud. The head of the bay is shoal.

Two miles further west another large bay is on the south side. Bickley Bay
is a convenient temporary anchorage if it is necessary to wait far passage of
Greene Point Rapids. If one is carrying the favoring current from entering
Gillard Passage just before high slack, one can expect to pass these rapids.
They will be well into the ebb, and though milder than Dent or Gillard they
should not be treated lightly.

Greene Point Rapids are a T-shaped meeting of channels. Cordero Channel
continues along the head of the T, while Mayne Passage leads southward to join
Johnstone Strait. At the junction there are severa l groups of islands that
narrow the passage and which should be passed with care. The ebb shows swirls
and small overfalls from south of Cordero Channel for a considerable distance
west along Cordero Channel. Slow vessels ne ed to favor the south shore to
avoid being pushed towards Griffith Islet, on which there is a light. On the
flood, going east, swirls and currents extend past Erasmus Island --a slow
vessel should avoid being set towards the island.

Anchorage can be found in the Cordero Islands, approaching as indicated on
the sketch. The islands block most of the effect of the current. Chart No.
3566 and other publications mention Cra~ford Anchorage behind Erasmus Island,
but this appears so restricted by rocks, and current flow that it i5 not

Blind Channel is a mile down Mayne Passage on the west side. This well run
resort provides a welcome rest stop. The government dock is in the southwest
part of the bay, with floats on either side. The south side is public, while a
private marina is on the north side. Groceries, showers and a laundromat are
available in addition to an excellent dining room. A walk along a forest trail
will take one to Thurlow Cedar which 1s more than 20 feet in diameter. Fuel
and water can be obtained at the float.

Tide and current effects shduld be kept in mind when'entering or leaving
Blind Channel. Rips and eddies are encountered through the narrow section of
Mayne Passage. Charles Bay, roughly opposite Blind Channel appears to offer
anchorage. But it is shoal, and current effects are felt in the vicinity of
Eclipse Island in the middle of the bay.
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