Star Wars Insider – July 2019

(Frankie) #1



the unique vessel that would later
be named as Slave I. “I remember
seeing a radar dish and stopping
to sketch it to see if I could get
something out of it,” he once
revealed. “The original design I had
was round, but when you looked at
it from the side, it became elliptical.
For some reason when I drew it,
George thought it was elliptical, so
that’s what it became.”
While his ship was taking shape,
the bounty hunter’s iconic look
was still receiving some fi ne tuning.
One of the Fett costumes was sent
back to the U.K. for use in fi lming
at Elstree Studios, during which the
paint job was updated a fi nal time
before shooting. The red and yellow
gauntlets and the jetpack were
painted green to match the rest of
the armor, although for fi lming Star
Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) they
reverted back to Johnston’s colorful
original scheme for the jetpack, with

both gauntlets now painted red.
On April 25-26, 1979, Irvin
Kershner fi lmed the bounty
hunter scene aboard Darth
Vader’s ship with Jeremy Bulloch
as Boba Fett, and on June 21, the
pivotal carbon-freezing-chamber
scenes were fi lmed. Bulloch also
appeared as the Imperial offi cer
who used Leia as a human shield
on Cloud City, but this caused a
scheduling clash with shooting
of the scenes where Darth Vader,
Fett, and Lando Calrissian
negotiate the fate of Han Solo.
For those shots, second assistant
director Steve Lanning cast John

Morton (who played Dak Ralter,
Luke’s gunner in the Battle of Hoth),
to stand in as Boba Fett.
Bulloch fi lmed his last scene for
The Empire Strikes Back on August
23, 1979, working with the second
unit to fi lm the brief shot of Fett at
the controls of Slave I. In February
1980, during the post-production
phase—and only a few months
before the fi lm’s release—uncredited
actor Jason Wingreen added the
fi nal key component to Boba Fett
by recording his four imortal lines
of dialogue, which took just 20
minutes to lay down. The Star Wars
galaxy had fi nally found its Fett.

07 The “Super
trooper” was
envisaged as
an advanced
08 Jeremy
Bulloch as
Boba Fett,
on the set of
The Empire
Strikes Back.
09 Ralph
concept art.




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ttthhhee bbboooouuuuunnnntttyyy
hhhhuuunnntteeerr ssscccceeennnneee
aaabboooaarrddd DDDDaaarrrtttthhh
VVaaadddeerrrr’sss ssssshhhhiipppp..
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