Ulster Tatler – June 2019

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r Patrick Campbell gives us the low-down on ViveveTM - a new,
painless vaginal rejuvenation treatment he has introduced to
his practice at the Cosmetech Clinic in Holywood.

What is vaginal laxity?
Just like skin, vaginal tissue relies on collagen for its support. The vaginal
tissues can become overstretched and damaged during childbirth and
further weakening occurs through the aging process. The result is a
feeling of vaginal looseness called laxity. This can be associated with
reduced sensation during sexual intercourse as well as urinary

Is vaginal laxity a common problem?
Approximately 1 in 3 women who attend specialist gynaecology clinics
report a feeling of vaginal laxity and this impacts on quality of life as
much as other pelvic floor problems. We know that vaginal laxity is
under-reported by women, overlooked by doctors and often wrongly
dismissed as a ‘normal’ consequence of childbirth and aging.

What is ViveveTM?
ViveveTM is a non-invasive treatment for vaginal laxity that uses tiny
pulses of radio-frequency (RF) energy to gently heat the deeper layers of
vaginal tissue whilst simultaneously cooling and protecting the delicate
surface. In the same way that RF energy is used to rejuvenate the skin
on the face, the body responds by developing healthy, new collagen in
the vaginal tissues. Importantly, ViveveTM is not necessarily about
cosmetic appearance, it is more about how a woman ‘feels’.

Cosmetech Maypole Clinic
5-7 Shore Road
Holywood BT18 9HX

T: 028 9042 3200
E: [email protected]


Dr Patrick Campbell is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist
Urogynaecologist who has dedicated his career to specialising in the
management of pelvic floor problems such as:

Urinary incontinence | Vaginal prolapse | Overactive bladder |
Vaginal laxity | Vaginal and bladder problems after childbirth

How is ViveveTM treatment given?
A treatment tip (the size of a thumb) is inserted just inside the vaginal
opening. This tip is circumferentially moved around the opening of the
vagina delivering alternating pulses of heating and cooling. ViveveTM is
painless, dignified and delivered in a single 30-minute treatment session.

What is the recovery time?
Women can return to normal activities immediately.

What are the risks?
There have been no reported side effects as the vaginal walls are not
injured and there is no pain during or after the procedure. You can’t have
the treatment if you are pregnant or have an implantable device like a

What are the results?
Everyone’s baseline level of laxity and natural response mechanisms
vary but results typically peak at about 90 days. In a large placebo -
controlled trial in the US (VIVEVE 1), women who received the ViveveTM
treatment showed statistically significant and sustained improvements in
vaginal tightness, sensation and satisfaction at 12 months. A recent study
in Canada has shown significant improvements in symptoms of stress
urinary incontinence following ViveveTM treatment.

Other treatments
Anti-Wrinkle Injections - to relax lines and wrinkles.
Dermal Fillers - used to restore lost volume and add definition to the face.
Thread-Lifts - tighten the skin and add definition to the face.
Cosmetic skin tag and mole removal
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