HWM Singapore – June 2019

(lily) #1

scales at 5.2kg and I’m pretty sure
you can knock someone out with it.
One thing you’ll hear a lot of
keyboard enthusiasts ask about
is the plate. The Rama Works
keyboards have super thick 4.5mm
plates (usually plates measure just
1.5mm thick) made of either brass or
aluminum, which produce a singular
sound when bottoming out. After all,
sound travels faster through denser
material, which results in a higher
pitch. In addition, the greater volume
of material available helps dampen the
sound produced.
A look at the geekhack forums also
reveals intriguing new designs by
members. A lot of what makes this
space so fascinating is that these
custom keyboards are designed by
outts likeRamaWorks,youcanbe

sure that they all love their keyboards.
This isn’t just a company looking
to market some vapid new feature.
Instead, they have their  nger on
the pulse of the community and hear
clearlywhatit wants.
I’veseeninrecentdaysis theSiriusby

geekhack member one venine.
This is a full POM board with
an optional PVD brass weight, a
notable departure from the more
common aluminum. This board is
unconventional to say the least, but
POM is a hard, dense plastic that
produces a distinctive, low-pitched
sound that some people crave.
In fact, it seems like we’re
moving beyond a keyboard merely
looking good and focusing on
designs that produce a more pleasant
typing experience and sound. For
example, there’s the Think6.5°, which
was originally supposed to be a full
polycarbonate board that the designers
felt provided just the right degree
of  exing and sound optimization.
However, aluminum and brass options
were added later in response to
demand from the community.
Add on to that a range of other
gasket-mounted keyboards and
unique designs, and I’m almost certain
you’ll be able to  nd something to
tickle your fancy. There’s also a mind-
boggling number of keycap sets these
days. Nephlock’s GMK Metropolis and
Rensuya’s GMK Mizu are some of the
most popular sets in the past month,
with Metropolis selling over 1,000
base kits, an impressive feat for a
 rst-time designer.
Better still, individual designers
are working with each other to make
their respective offerings better. For
example, nephlock teamed up with
KeyForge to make Metropolitan-
themed artisan keycaps, while
Rensuya did the same with
Rama Works.
Many of these designers also have
their own Discord servers, so you can
hop on and talk and get help from
like-minded folks. It’s a friendly
community with a genuine respect
and appreciation for these people as
artists, and it looks set to only get
more exciting.



Metropolis Mizu

JUNE 2019 | HWM 39
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