
(Barry) #1


(Over 160,000 Tonnes DWT)

To facilitate mooring during ship-to-ship transfer operations, it is recommended that ships in tonnage
category D be provided with I he following (refer also (0 Reference 4):

(a) Fairleads
Two addilional sets of heavy dUly closed fairleads wilh clear openings of 500 x 400 mm hould
be positioned on Ihe starboard side of the ship. These fairleacls should be located 35 m forward
and aft of tbe rllid-Ienglll of Ihe ship or as close to this position as possible. A.\I fairle.ads asso-
ciated witJl ship-Io-ship transfers should be smoothly finished both inboard and outboard to
prevent chafing of ropes.

It should be nOled thal the recommended 500 x 4()0 mm size of faiJlead is not covered by British
Or Japanese standards (Ihe largesl SS fiU.ing is 600 x 320 mm and the largeSI liS fitting is 500
x 260 mm). Section 3.9.2 discusses an alternalive arrangement utilising two smaller fairleads
instead of one 500 x 400 mm fairlead.

(b) Mooring bollards
550 mm diameter twio sels of bollards should be located inboard of the fairlcads for handling
the moorings used durins transfer operations. Suitable standard bollards would be:

ISO 3919 or SS MA 12, Part I, nominal size 630
J IS F 2001, nominal size 560


Since gas carriers usually moor at berths with articulated chicksan loading arms, the practice has
been oot 10 caTTY any special fittings in way of manifolds to assist in handling hoses.

It is recommended, however, Ihat a limited number of such fittings be included for use in the even!
that ship-to-ship transfer using hoses handled by the ship's crane is required.

At least two cruciform boUards should be filled, either between the manifold or one forward and
one aft of the manifold area. A closed chock fairlead should be filled for use wil h Ihe cruciform
boUards. In addition, eye plates similar to those used for oil tan.kers should be installed in (he
immediate vicinity of each manifold.

Cruciforrn bollards should be approximately 300mrn diameter and constructed to ISO, BS or eqlli-
valent standard (see Sect.ion 9.3.1). Closed chocks should be the same as those detailed in Section 9.3.3
for oil tankers.
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