
(Barry) #1

This alJows heaving aboard of the shore line, or the ship's own line from a shore pulley, via heaving
lines led lo warping head, of mooring wiuches. The strength of fair1eads and bollards should be
based on the MBL of the ship's standard mooring lines.

3.10.2 Use of Shore Based Pulley

In ils simplest jOrlll lire sh ore filting could consisl oj a bollard oj a sujficient diameter jor Ihe siu

of wire 10 be employed. A minimum ratio oj bollard/wire diameter of 12;/ should be employed.

The provision of a revolving bollard or pulley whecl is recommended to reduce frict.ion on the
""rire and to ensme that when mooring;; are adjusted lhe tension in each pan is readily equalized.
To provide a relea e facility under normal operational conditions, the pulley should be incorporated
on a quick release mOUI1ting so that on the activatjon of lhe release mechanism the pulley capsizes
and the bight of tJ1C wire is releas ed and thrown clear of the jetty. This equipment is available
from manufacturers of convent ional quick release hooks. The puJley must be de igned properly to
prevent it from releasing tbe liJle inadvertently due to !.he puUey's weight. Figures 3. J 4 and 3. J 4(a)
show an instrumental shore bH ·ed pulley ~lIld the method of securing the tail al the shipboard cnd of
the ship's mooring wire.

In considering the design speCifications for (his equipment it should be remembered that loa ds SU$ -
laiDed will be approximately I W ice tlli1t. experienced by a moori.ng book or bollard to whkh a single
wire is allached.

A suitable b.eavy dUlY winch or cap tan should be provided to assist in heavi.ug the bight of the
wire on to rhe fixed moori.ng SI ructure and securing it over the puIJey or bollard.

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